Familiarise yourself with the following email security terms before continuing:
Domain: In email security, a domain is the part of an email address that comes after the ‘@’ symbol. It identifies the mail server that the email is being sent from and helps to ensure that the email is delivered to the correct recipient.
DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail): An email authentication method that uses a digital signature to verify that an email message was sent by the domain it claims to be from.
SPF (Sender Policy Framework): An email authentication method that helps prevent email spoofing by verifying that the IP address of the email sender matches the domain from which the email was sent.
Phishing attack: A type of email scam that aims to trick recipients into giving away sensitive information, such as passwords or credit card numbers, by posing as a trustworthy entity. Phishing emails often contain links to fake websites that look like the real ones.
Spoofing attack: An email spoofing attack involves forging the sender’s email address to make it appear as if the email came from someone else. This is often done to trick the recipient into believing the email is legitimate and to gain access to their sensitive information.
Email is a critical communication channel for both individuals and businesses. However, with the rise of cyber threats such as phishing and spoofing, it is more important than ever to ensure that emails are secure and trustworthy. This is where DMARC comes into play.
What is DMARC?
DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance) is an email authentication protocol that helps secure email communications by preventing phishing and spoofing attacks.
How does DMARC work?
DMARC allows email recipients to check if an email actually originated from the sender’s claimed domain. DMARC is used in conjunction with SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail). These three components work hand-in-hand to authenticate an email and determine what to do with it (take no action, quarantine the email, or reject the email).
What are the benefits of DMARC in email security?
One of the key benefits of DMARC is that it can help prevent phishing and spoofing attacks by allowing domain owners to specify which email servers are authorised to send emails on their behalf. This helps prevent cybercriminals from using fake email addresses to send phishing emails, as those emails will be rejected by the recipient’s email server.
Another benefit of DMARC is that it can help improve email deliverability. When an email is sent, it goes through several layers of authentication and filtering before it reaches the recipient’s inbox. If an email fails DMARC authentication, it may be marked as spam or rejected entirely. By implementing DMARC, organisations can ensure that their legitimate emails are delivered to their intended recipients.
How is DMARC implemented?
Implementing DMARC is a fairly simple process. Domain owners need to publish a DNS record that specifies their DMARC policy. This policy tells email servers how to handle emails that fail DMARC authentication. Domain owners can choose to either monitor, quarantine, or reject emails that fail DMARC authentication.
DMARC has become an essential tool in protecting email communications. Its ability to authenticate email messages and act on policy violations has made it a crucial component in email security. Implementing DMARC not only ensures the security of your organisation’s emails but also helps safeguard your customers and partners’ email communications. Therefore, it is important to prioritise DMARC implementation to strengthen your email security posture and maintain trust in your brand.