Remuneration policy

Recruit, retain and motivate

The Group’s remuneration policy is to pay cost to company packages which are benchmarked against comparable positions in the market place. Short terms incentives may be earned on outperformance of certain financial and qualitative criteria.

The financial criteria are calculated relative to revenue, EBIT and working capital management, whilst the qualitative criterion incorporates achievement of transformation targets and strategic objectives. Long term incentives are structured for the executive directors and senior management and comprise a deferred bonus plan as well as a share appreciation rights scheme. The committee’s main objective is to provide the Board with assurance that directors and senior executives are fairly rewarded for their individual contributions to the group’s performance.

Existing and proposed share incentives are reviewed by the committee. A formal and transparent procedure for determining executive and director remuneration has been created.

Metrofile aims to have a remuneration policy that enables it to recruit, retain and motivate executive talent in its primary business units, and in its head office. Non-executive directors receive fees for their roles as directors, their roles on board sub-committees and for functions performed by them in their capacities as directors but outside board and committee forums.

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