Unlock exceptional records management solutions in Mozambique

Welcome to Metrofile Mozambique, your one-stop-shop for comprehensive and specialised records management solutions. Our services include storage and information records management, indexing, retrieval, tracking, scanning, data storage, destruction, and consultancy work.

Dedicated specialist team
Our expert team is committed to delivering exceptional services both on-site and off-site, ensuring that your records management needs are met with the highest level of professionalism and efficiency.

Our customisable solutions are designed to cater to your unique requirements, ensuring your complete satisfaction.

Innovative solutions & services

We set ourselves apart from the competition by offering a broader range of solutions and services, including:

  • Know Your Customer (KYC) compliance services
  • PIQL long-term data preservation
  • DataStor online backup and recovery solutions
Setting ourselves apart with face-to-face interactions

What truly sets us apart from competitors is our dedication to personal connection and understanding.

We believe in the power of face-to-face meetings with our clients. This approach allows us to gain a deeper understanding of your needs and provides a more effective communication method compared to electronic or salesman techniques.

Country Mozambique

Maximise your data’s potential value with our

4-pillar optimisation solution

Eliminate the mistakes and risk involved in storing, managing and accessing your information

Country Mozambique

Records Management

Data is the new gold.
Data, like gold, requires manipulation and analysis
to maximise its value.

Country Mozambique


Mitigate data disasters and manage your systems and
data responsibly, including
cloud backup.

Country Mozambique

Content Services

If you have timely access
to relevant data, you’ll be
in a better position to make informed decisions.

Country Mozambique

Information Advisory Services

Discover the benefits of managing your documents in a single place and making them easily accessible.

Country Mozambique

Records Management

Data is the new gold. Data, like gold, requires manipulation and analysis to maximise its value.
Country Mozambique


Mitigate data disasters and manage your systems and data responsibly, including cloud backup.

Country Mozambique

Content Services

If you have timely access to relevant data, you’ll be in a better position to make informed decisions.

Country Mozambique

Information Advisory Services

Discover the benefits of managing your documents in a single place and making them easily accessible.

Here’s how we do what we do

For four decades, Metrofile has been an industry leader and specialist in the field of records management and storage.

As a highly credible and trusted specialist services company with international operations covering South Africa, Botswana, Kenya, Mozambique and The Middle East, Metrofile has been listed as a JSE limited company since 1995.

Tons of paper recycled
Daily business data backups
0 TB
SQ Metres warehousing space

Here’s how we do what we do

For four decades, Metrofile has been an industry leader and specialist in the field of records management and storage.

As a highly credible and trusted specialist services company with international operations covering South Africa, Botswana, Kenya, Mozambique and The Middle East, Metrofile has been listed as a JSE limited company since 1995.

SQ metres warehousing space
Tons of paper recycled
daily business data backups
0 TB

Ensure legislative compliance

Bringing your

data to life

It’s no surprise that organisations are struggling to stay on top of their data management and storage challenges. Find ways to maintain your competitive edge, streamline your business processes, safeguard your confidential information and ultimately reduce your costs.


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